Thursday, March 31, 2011

Crafts and such

 Last summer I bought my first, very own sewing machine - and boy, was I ever excited! I discovered the world of Fabricland and have spent many hours since then roaming and dreaming about the countless things I could create. Bliss! My first project was a baby change table pad cover. A friend of mine gave me her daughter's old change table, but seeing that it didn't fit in with my nursery decor I thought, "Hey! Let's be crafty!" So, with Jason's help, we decided that we would spray paint it brown to match the crib and dresser, replace the makeshift pull-out drawer with pretty baskets, and I would sew something to hide the existing change pad, complete with clown characters and uncomfortable plastic. Here is the "before" picture (minus the pad and drawer, which made it much, much worse) and the beautiful "after" photo!

Then, after thinking looooong and hard about what I wanted to make next, I decided on a nursing cover. Here is the result:

I lined it with flannel because the outer fabric was a bit too stiff. 
Although I'm not the only mom I know that has sold nursing covers, I thought I would give it a shot. I'm asking $18, which is a great price compared to what you would pay in the store (anywhere from $30-$45 it seems) So let me know if you'd like one or know anyone who does! What am I up to next? A pretty fabric clutch from Simply Totes. Wish me luck! 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Just life...

As much as I wish I was in bed right now, I sure am enjoying my late-night Vector and yogurt. Yummmmmm...I was ever-so-stoked when I thought Kaden was down for the night before 9pm! But I was wrong. It's looking hopeful now :) You'll know if he wakes if this post is cut short, haha.

I had a good week. Relatively uneventful, but good nonetheless. Sometimes it is nice to just sail through the days without a whole lot of up and downs. I'm not too sure I would have had the energy for that, considering the little munchkin's sleep schedule of late. An extra feed or two in the night can sure take it's toll! I'm living (sometimes not-so-living proof) :).

But back to my week...Monday and Tuesday I nannied, as per usge. The days went by pretty slow but I managed. Recently it has felt like such a chore to get up so early and spend my time in someone else's house watching someone else's children (4 to be exact!). This week I tried really hard to alter my perspective and really enjoy the kids and have fun with them instead of merely getting through the days - it helped! When my mom was visiting a couple of weeks ago (another thing I need to blog about!), she came to watch the kids with me the first day she was here. Her attitude with the kids was really refreshing and contagious and I vowed to make more of an effort for both their sake and mine. Thanks mom! Tuesday was our small group Bible study, which we are SO blessed to be a part of. But because of my zombie-like state, I can't say I had the greatest time. Plus, Jason was at home sick so I had the baby and he was not cooperating either. There's always next week! Wednesday morning was my women's Bible study.

...............nearly 48 hours later..............

I suppose I should post this now!! Needless to say, Kaden woke up and I fell into a trance-like state staying up with him...Til next time.