Monday, January 14, 2013

Project Life

Have you heard of Project Life?! If you've been part of blog land for any length of time, there's a good possibility that you have. I discovered it many months back and thought it was a brilliant idea! Only now, though, have I decided to jump on the bandwagon. In November I found an app on my iPad called "Photo 365" which is a similar idea, but not nearly as pretty and fun as Project Life. It did help me get in the habit of taking daily photos, although I haven't done nearly as well since January hit. Therefore, I have no photos to share as of yet, but I figured that if I blogged about it and got it in writing that maybe, just maybe, it would help me remember to make photo-taking a priority! I want be able to look back on these days often and remember the beautiful memories our family made together. And how better to do that than to have it in a pretty little book that takes little effort on my part to put together?! It's perfection. Week 3 of Project Life runs from January 13-19, so I will be back then with an update and my photos of the week. Happy snapping!